Discussion on How We Can Stop Youth Violence – June 11, 2013

Stop Youth Violence

We can report on who gets killed and where.

But how do we report on what stops the violence?

We’ll talk about that on June 11 from 10 am to noon at 618 S. Michigan, Stage Two, Columbia College.

It’s a workshop for journalists on how to measure what works and what’s missing in the effort to stop the violence.

We’ll hear from public health experts, who will walk us through ways of measuring what agencies say about their work.

We’ll hear about what exists here in Chicago. And we’ll hear from about agencies on how they do their work, and how you can measure the results.

Natalie Moore, WBEZ’s South Side Bureau chief, is our moderator

It’s a good time to do this.


Since Rahm is raising $50 million in private funds to give out to agencies that will help stop crime, isn’t it our jobs as journalists to see if this money will make a difference?

But no matter what, shouldn’t be asking these questions now?

We’re partnering again for this effort with the unique city-wide effort, Strengthening Chicago’s Youth (SCY), which links over 120 agencies and organizations involved in dealing with youth violence. http://www.scy-chicago.org/

Talk to me – digame, Steve@chicagoistheworld.org, office 312 369 6400, cell- 773 595 8667

Steve Franklin

Image: 99problems.org

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